EBI Global Academic Conference
Academic Conferences
“Quasi-Judicial and Judicial Review in Banking and Capital Markets Law”
“Developments in Sustainable Finance”
“Developments in Digital Finance”
“Capital Market Law”
“Bank Resolution: Intellectual learning process from Banking Union to CMDI”
“The European Adaptation of the Basel III Reform”
Introductory and Welcoming Remarks
EBI’s Academic Conference on “REGULATING AND SUPERVISING CAPITAL MARKETS IN THE EU: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES” discussed some of the most significant trends of Capital Markets in the EU and their implications in terms of regulation, supervision and enforcement. It focused on some of the major issues currently being addressed in the context of the revised Capital Markets Union project, and on related topics that are setting the agenda of the Union for the near future.
SESSION III – Capital Markets and ESG Finance Moderator: Blanaid Clarke (EBI & Trinity College Dublin) • Issuers’ sustainability reporting standards Edgar Löw (EBI & Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) • Sustainability in credit ratings and benchmarks David Ramos Muñoz (EBI & University Carlos III, Madrid) • ESMA’s mandate in sustainable finance Michele Siri (EBI & University of Genoa)
ROUND-TABLE – EFFECTIVENESS AND ENFORCEMENT Moderator: Luís Morais (EBI & University of Lisbon) • Enforcement and proportionality in the light of the recent ECJ’s jurisprudence Marco Lamandini (EBI & University of Bologna) • Conduct rules and private enforcement: an open debate Veerle Colaert (EBI & KU Leuven University) • Enforcement and supervision in the de-centralised world Francesca Medda (UCL Institute of Finance and Technology) • The prevention of market abuse: the role of RegTech and SupTech Matteo Gargantini (EBI ARG & University of Genoa) • The role of financial literacy Rolf Sethe (EBI & University of Zurich)
CONCLUDING REMARKS Filippo Annunziata – Christos Gortsos
EBI’s Academic Conference on “REGULATING AND SUPERVISING CAPITAL MARKETS IN THE EU: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES” discussed some of the most significant trends of Capital Markets in the EU and their implications in terms of regulation, supervision and enforcement. It focused on some of the major issues currently being addressed in the context of the revised Capital Markets Union project, and on related topics that are setting the agenda of the Union for the near future.
Institutional Welcome Speech: Thomas Gstädtner (President of the Supervisory Board of EBI) Keynote Speech: Verena Ross (ESMA Chairperson)
SESSION I – The Capital Markets Union set up: institutional and regulatory profiles Moderator: Christos Gortsos (President of the Academic Board of EBI & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) • Capital Markets Union in the context of globalization Dirk Zetzsche (EBI & University of Luxembourg) • The international dimension of capital markets regulation and supervision Matthias Lehmann (EBI & University of Vienna) • The access to capital markets by companies in the EU and the regulation of trading venues Guido Ferrarini (EBI & University of Genoa)
SESSION II – Digitalization and Fintech in the context of Capital Markets Moderator: Juana Ezquerra (EBI & University Complutense Madrid) • Regulating DLT and Crypto-assets in the EU: the Digital Finance Package Christos Hadjiemmanuil (EBI & University of Piraeus) • The proposed EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence and its expected impact on Capital Markets Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi (EBI & University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) • Artificial intelligence, market abuse and short selling: in search of a more combined approach Filippo Annunziata (EBI & University of Bocconi, Milano)
EBI Academic Debates
Academic Debates
View the presentations of the 11th Academic Debate on 30 May 2023:
- “US Banking Crisis 2023” (Jens-Hinrich Binder)
- “A long way down Credit Suisse” (Rolf Sethe) *
- “The rescue merger of Credit Suisse” (Seraina Grünewald)
* Please note the following amendment on slide 8 (Rolf Sethe): The presentation in the video states USD 2.8b; correct is USD 2.6b. This also changes the total at the bottom of the slide.
View the presentations of the 11th Academic Debate on 30 May 2023:
- “US Banking Crisis 2023” (Jens-Hinrich Binder)
- “A long way down Credit Suisse” (Rolf Sethe) *
- “The rescue merger of Credit Suisse” (Seraina Grünewald)
* Please note the following amendment on slide 8 (Rolf Sethe): The presentation in the video states USD 2.8b; correct is USD 2.6b. This also changes the total at the bottom of the slide.
View the presentations of the 11th Academic Debate on 30 May 2023:
- “US Banking Crisis 2023” (Jens-Hinrich Binder)
- “A long way down Credit Suisse” (Rolf Sethe) *
- “The rescue merger of Credit Suisse” (Seraina Grünewald)
* Please note the following amendment on slide 8 (Rolf Sethe): The presentation in the video states USD 2.8b; correct is USD 2.6b. This also changes the total at the bottom of the slide.
8th EBI Academic Debate: Charles Enoch on his new book “Europe Beyond the EURO”
The 7th edition of the EBI Academic Debate took place on 13 June 2022 and promoted a discussion around “Economic Sanctions: Their Implications and Effects”