EBI Monthly Review – May 2022
- Date June 1, 2022

The EBI Monthly Review offers a summary of the Institute’s activity during the past month.
EBI Master in Banking & Financial Regulation (LL.M.)
Prof. Dr. Christos Gortsos and Prof. Dr. Edgar Löw explain in the video below what the EBI Master in Banking & Financial Regulation is, how the programme was developed and what students can gain from it.
Watch the video here and learn more about the EBI Master here (Application deadline: 30 June 2022).
EBI Policy Series
The 15th EBI Policy Series took place on 17 May 2022 and promoted a discussion on “The outlook on inflationary developments”. Mr. Nejc Smole, Director of the EBI Policy Center, had the pleasure to host
Dr. Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor at the International Monetary Fund;
Dr. Andreas (Andy) Jobst, Global Head of Macroeconomic and Capital Markets Research at Allianz;
Professor Lorenzo Codogno, Founder and Chief Economist at Lorenzo Codogno Macro Advisors Ltd; Visiting Professor in Practice at London School of Economics, London and College of Europe, Bruges.
Watch the event highlights here and access the participants’ presentations here.
EBI Spring Talks
During the month of May, the EBI Academic Board hosted the last two installments of the EBI Spring Talks on Banking, Insurance and Financial Law. This series was jointly organized by the European Banking Institute (EBI) and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Finance and Law (EUSFiL), with the patronage of Associazione dei docenti di diritto dell’economia (ADDE).
Watch the full event recordings here and access the full programme here.
EBI Book Series
“Equivalence in Financial Services: A Legal and Policy Analysis”
EBI Studies in Banking and Capital Markets Law
Francesco Pennesi
Access the book here.
EBI Working Paper Series
“Governing FinTech 4.0: BigTech, Platform Finance and Sustainable Development”
Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Kuzi Charamba, Artem Sergeev and Dirk A. Zetzsche
“National Interests and Supranational Resolution in the European Banking Union”
Tobias H. Troeger and Anastasia Kotovskaia
“Failing Banks within the Banking Union at the crossroads: Taking stock and next steps”
Jens-Hinrich Binde
“Bail-in in the European Banking Union: A Close Reading of Article 27 of the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation”
Christos Hadjiemmanuil
“Financial Data Governance: The Datafication of Finance, the Rise of Open Banking and the End of the Data Centralization Paradigm”
Douglas W. Arner, Giuliano G. Castellano and Eriks Selga
EBI Regulatory Report
The focus of the EBI’s Regulatory Report is on updating you about the latest economic policy and financial regulation measures in Europe, taking into account the most significant global initiatives and financial standards by key international organisations and financial fora.
Upcoming Events
7th EBI Academic Debate “Economic Sanctions: Their Implications and Effects”
13 June 2022
11:30 – 13:30 (CET)
Fintech Regulation and the Licensing Principle
30 June 2022
09:00 – 18:00 (CET
International Summer School Banking & Capital Markets Law: V Edition online
11 – 15 July 2022