EBI Regulatory Report #113
- Date November 21, 2022

EBI Report
Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures:
International, EU and Euro Area Levels
(20 November 2022)
Professor Dr. Christos V. Gortsos and Georgios Zervakis, LLM candidate
(Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
All previous entries have been put in two archives, which can be retrieved here.
Main developments during the week 14-18 November 2022:
18 November
- ESMA: launch of consultation on guidelines for the use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in funds’ names
17 November
- FSB: Framework for monitoring progress toward the G20 cross-border payments targets
- FSB: Conditions for financial stability
- SRB Work Programme 2023 marks ‘end of transition phase’ for banks
- ESMA: Guidelines on resolvability and cooperation arrangements for central counterparties
- ESMA: Consultation on rules for passporting for investment firms
16 November
- ECB: The role of the IMF in addressing climate change risks
- ECB: Financial Stability Review, November 2022
- Guideline (EU) 2022/2250 of the ECB of 9 November 2022 amending Guideline (EU) 2022/912 on a new-generation Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer system (TARGET) (OJ L 295, 16.11.2022, pp. 50-51)
- Decision (EU) 2022/2249 of the ECB of 9 November 2022 amending Decision (EU) 2022/911 concerning the terms and conditions of TARGET-ECB (OJ L 295, 16.11.2022, pp. 48-49)
- FSB: Annual Report on its work to promote global financial stability
- IOSCO: Corporate Bond Markets – Drivers of Liquidity During COVID-19 Induced Market Stresses – Feedback Statement to the Discussion Paper of April 2022
- IOSCO: Thematic Review on Liquidity Risk Management Recommendations
15 November
- FSB: Balancing Innovation and Financial Stability
- FSB and NGFS: Current climate scenario analysis exercises may understate climate exposures and vulnerabilities
- EBA: Consultation on Guidelines to institutions and resolution authorities on resolvability testing
- ESAs: joint Call for Evidence on greenwashing
ESMA: Latest edition of its Newsletter
14 November
- FSB Report: Financial policy challenges in the wake of COVID-19
- EBA: final technical standards on the measurement of liquidity risks for investment firms
- ESRB: Bank capital regulation and climate change
- IOSCO: Statement on Financial Reporting and Disclosure during Economic Uncertainty