6th EBI Academic Debate – EBI Europe

Presentation of the Book

“Financial Market Infrastructures: Law and Regulation (OUP)”

 and discussion with editors and several of the authors



Date:  Thursday, 24th March 2021
Time: 17:30 hrs – 19:00 hrs (CET)
Event password: AcademicDebate#6



Prof. Dr. Christos Gortsos, President of the Academic Board of EBI

Introduction and presentation of the Book:

Financial Market Infrastructures: Law and Regulation (OUP)” by the co-editors:

  • Prof. Dr. Jens-Hinrich Binder, University of Tübingen and Member of the Academic Board of EBI; and
  • Paolo Saguato, Assistant Professor of Law at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason
Panel Discussion

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Jens-Hinrich Binder and Paolo Saguato

  • Luca Filippa, FTSE Russell: “Looking for New Lenses: How Regulation Should Cope with the Financial Market Infrastructures Evolution”
  • Prof. Michele Siri (University of Genoa and EBI) and Prof. Matteo Gargantini (University of Utrecht): “Securities and Derivatives Exchanges in the EU”
  • Dr. Eleanore Hickman (Universities of Cambridge and Bristol): “Central Securities Depositories in the EU: The Roles and Risks of European Central Securities Depositories”
Q&A Session

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Jens-Hinrich Binder and Paolo Saguato

Concluding Remarks

Prof. Dr. Christos Gortsos, President of the Academic Board of EBI


This event is open to all, feel free to forward the invitation to colleagues.

We hope you will join us.