on 9th November 2022
from 09:10 – 17:45 hrs (CET)
(online via Webex Events)
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Event password: CapMarkets-2022
The conference will discuss some of the most significant trends of Capital Markets in the EU and their implications in terms of regulation, supervision and enforcement. It focuses on some of the major issues currently being addressed in the context of the revised Capital Markets Union project, and on related topics that are setting the agenda of the Union for the near future.
The program is articulated in three sessions, each with a selected number of papers and discussants, and a round table. The speakers and moderators are predominantly members of the Academic Board of EBI.
It is with great pleasure that Verena Ross, Chairperson of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), will address the Conference with a keynote speech.
View full Programme here
- Artificial intelligence, market abuse and short selling – in search of a more combined approach – Filippo Annunziata (EBI & University of Bocconi, Milano)
- Conduct rules and private enforcement – an open debate – Veerle Colaert (EBI & KU Leuven University)
- The access to capital markets by companies in the EU and the regulation of trading venues – Guido Ferrarini (EBI & University of Genoa)
- The prevention of market abuse: the role of RegTech and SupTech – Matteo Gargantini (EBI ARG & University of Genoa)
- Regulating DLT and Crypto-assets in the EU – the Digital Finance Package – Christos Hadjiemmanuil (EBI & University of Piraeus)
- The international dimension of capital markets regulation and supervision – Matthias Lehmann (EBI & University of Vienna)
- Issuers’ sustainability reporting standards – Edgar Löw (EBI & Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
- Sustainability in credit ratings and benchmarks – David Ramos Muñoz (EBI & University Carlos III, Madrid)
- The role of financial literacy – Rolf Sethe (EBI & University of Zurich)
- ESMA’s mandate in sustainable finance – Michele Siri (EBI & University of Genoa)
- Capital Markets Union in the context of globalization – Dirk Zetzsche (EBI & University of Luxembourg)