“Reflections on design and implementation of the Banking Union”
Università degli Studi di Bologna, Villa Guastavillani, Bologna
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R. Masera, Member of the De Larosière Group – University G. Marconi, Rome
SSM, SRM and their political economy implications: a transatlantic perspective
G.Ferri, LUMSA University of Rome
Diversity in the European banking system: challenges and prospects
G.Lusignani, Università degli Studi di Bologna and Prometeia
The asset quality and industrial perspectives of European banks: an appraisal of empirical evidence and of likely trends
D.Valiante, FISMA, European Commission
Banking Union and Capital Markets Union as necessary complements: the way ahead – a presentation of the 2016 ECMEG Report
E. Louri Dendrinou, SRB Appeal Panel – M.Mavridou, Central Bank of Greece
Banks resilience and economic downturns: Lessons from Cyprus and Greece
D.Ramos Munoz, Universities of Madrid Carlos III and Università degli Studi di Bologna
Reconciling monetary policy, financial stability, prudential mandates and fundamental rights: the ECB in “unchartered waters”?
R.D’Ambrosio, Banca d’Italia
Procedural fundamental rights protection and the new challenges on administrative proceedings and pecuniary sanctions in the SSM and SRM
C.Hadjiemmanuil, European Banking Institute and University of Piraeus, Athens
Banking Union and the debate on proportionality
S. Providenti, Consob
Administrative and criminal sanctions and ne bis in idem: how to reconcile the views of the CJEU, the ECHR and of national Constitutional Courts?
S.Allegrezza, European Banking Institute and Université du Luxembourg
A Banking Union without criminal law harmonization? The challenges ahead
D.Sarmiento, University of Madrid Carlos III
The new European financial architecture and the implications of the principle of effective judicial protection under the CJEU case law
M.Gargantini, Max Plank Institute Luxembourg and Consob
Quasi-judicial review and Boards of Appeal in EU law – a presentation of the 2016 provisional results of the MPI cross sector enquiry
W. Blair, Chair of the Board of Appeal European System of Financial Supervisors
The experience and case law of the Board of Appeal of the European System of Financial Supervisors
C.Brescia Morra, Vice-chair, Administrative Board of Review, European Central Bank
The experience and case law of the Board of Review of the SSM
H. Vletter-Van Dort, Chair, Appeal Panel, Single Resolution Board
The experience and case law of the Appeal Panel of the SRM
S.Cappiello, Single Resolution Board
The complex interplay of European and national laws on early intervention and resolution: the EBA, the ECB, the SRB, NCAs and NRAs and a first appraisal of the “Copernican revolution”
L.Stanghellini, University of Florence
SSM, SRB and CMU without company and insolvency laws uniformity: the hidden traps
L.Morais, University of Lisbon and Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board
National constitutional counter-limits and the SSM and SRM: lessons from the Banco Espirito Santo experience?
A. Gardella, Università Cattolica (Milan) and European Banking Authority
Banks stabilization and resolution: State aids rules and a balance of their past and present enforcement