EBI Global Annual Conference on Banking Regulation
Call for Papers
An event jointly organised with Goethe University
in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
23 & 24 February 2018
Goethe University, Campus Westend
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Download: EBI Global Annual Conference – Call for Papers
1. Conference
The EBI organizes the 3rd EBI Global Annual Conference on Banking Regulation together with Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. The objective is to present state-of-the-art research on banking regulation from law, economics, and accounting and discuss it with senior policy makers, supervisors, industry representatives and other banking practitioners.
2. Topics
We solicit papers in the following areas addressing one or more of the questions posed, but other related areas and questions may also be considered:
2.1 Completing the Banking Union
- How much harmonization is needed, how much flexibility to account for national idiosyncrasies is desirable?
- How can a Single Rule Book adequately reflect banks’ diverging business models, sizes etc.? How could a small-banking-box work?
- Would the introduction of a two-tiered banking law system (Basel standards for significant banks, domestic banking laws for non-significant banks) in line with models applied internationally appropriately address the concern about proportional application of banking law?
- Does a true Banking Union require harmonization beyond prudential banking regulation and resolution?
- In which manner would the Capital Markets Union enhance or support the further completion of the Banking Union?
2.2. Making resolution work
- Is structural reform needed as a precondition for effective resolution?
- Will the resolution framework work in cross-border scenarios?
- Does the resolution framework provide for adequate PSI?
- Will the implementation of the TLAC standard lead to an improvement? Are resolution financing and fiscal backstops adequate?
2.3. The consequences of Brexit
- Will micro- and macro-prudential decisions be mutually recognized for cross-border banking groups (eg IRBA model validations, setting of macroprudential buffers)?
- How will Brexit affect the day-to-day banking business (choice of English law/courts, participation in interbank payment systems)?
- How will disentanglement processes work?
- Will relocated banks be able to continue to offer same products after a relocation?
- How to address the topic of trading, clearing and settlement of euro-denominated derivatives?
- Is there a threat of regulatory competition?
- What role can the Capital Markets Union play to reduce the impact of Brexit on EU-27 Banks?
2.4. Non-bank Banking
- What is the interrelation between market based finance and bank based finance with a particular view to regulation?
- Are Capital Markets Union and Banking Union complements?
- How respond to disintermediation?
- How react to digitization (fintechs, regtech etc.)?
3. Programme Committee
Thierry Bonneau (University of Paris II and EBI); Danny Busch (University of Nijmegen and EBI); Guido Ferrarini (University of Genova, ECGI, and EBI); Christos Hadjiemmanuil (University of Pireaus, LSE, and EBI); Rosa Maria Lastra (Queen Mary University and EBI); Peter O. Mülbert (University of Mainz, ECGI and EBI; Tobias H. Tröger (Goethe University, IMFS and EBI); Eddy Wymeersch (Ghent University, ECGI, and EBI); Dirk A. Zetzsche (University of Luxemburg and EBI).
4. Local Organiser
Tobias H. Tröger (Goethe University, IMFS and EBI)
5. Conference Venue and Date
The conference will be held at Goethe University, Campus Westend, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It will take place on Friday and Saturday 23 & 24 February 2018.
6. Call for Papers Deadline and Procedure
Authors can submit papers or extended abstracts to Claudia Collins (claudia.collins@ebi-europa.eu). The deadline for submissions is 18:00 hrs (CET), Monday, 30 July 2017. The program committee will communicate decisions on acceptance of papers at the end of August 2017. Final papers will be due at 18:00 hrs (CET) on Friday, 22 December 2017.
Accepted papers will be eligible for the EBI Working Paper Series on SSRN and will thus participate in the selection of the EBI Annual Best Paper Award.
7. Costs
We are able to cover travel and accommodation costs for speakers. All papers presented at the conference are eligible for inclusion in the EBI Working Paper Series.