Publication: Working Paper Series No. 163
- Date May 24, 2024

“The crisis management of smaller banks: perspectives of reform” by Irene Mecatti (Siena University and European Banking Institute) was published on 27 January 2024 in the EBI Working Paper Series No. 163.
The current common framework for bank crisis management and national deposit guarantee schemes (CMDI) is tailored for banks which are considered too big (or too complex) to fail. Smaller banks are de facto excluded from the application of resolution, even though they are obliged to contribute to its functioning. In practice, not even the size element has been decisive and the crises of significant as well as less significant institutions have been managed at the national level instead of within the framework and conditions foreseen by the BRRD. The consequent and persistent fragmentation in the European financial market requires that the dichotomy between resolution and liquidation be overcome and that the scope of resolution also include smaller banks. The paper analyses the main reforms needed to achieve this goal, including the European Commission’s recent proposal to revise the CMDI.
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