The Associated Researchers Group (ARG)
- Date November 30, 2021
After the successful implementation of the “Young Researchers Group”, EBI launched the “Associated Researchers Group” (ARG) in August 2020. The EBI ARG Programme is reserved for:
(1) Full-time doctorates and professors who are currently working in a university officially recognised by an EEA country and are undertaking academic activities on banking and financial regulation and supervision; or
(2) Experts from national and European public institutions (for examples, central banks, supervisors, national conduct authorities) who are conducting research or at least publish frequently articles on banking and financial regulation and supervision.
The Institute reserves the right to amend, change, and integrate the participation Criteria at any time.
- Leon Anidjar (IE Law School),
- Sandra Antoniazzi (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”),
- Matteo Arrigoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore),
- Nikolai Badenhoop (EUI Florence),
- Beata Bienkowska, TPI Global Climate Transition Centre,
- Lukas Böffel (Freie Universität Berlin),
- Marta Božina Beroš (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula),
- Evariest Callens (Ghent University),
- Paolo Capuano (Sapienza – University of Rome),
- Daniele D’Alvia (Queen Mary University of London and IALS),
- María Cecilia del Barrio Arleo (University of Trento),
- Marco Dell’Erba (University of Zurich),
- Federico Della Negra (European University Institute (EUI)),
- Jacek Dybinski (Harvard),
- Diane Fromage (Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and the University of Pavia (co-tutelle)),
- Matteo Gargantini University of Utrecht,
- Jakub Gren (European Central Bank (ECB)),
- Claude Humbel (Berkeley),
- Andy (Andreas) Jobst (Allianz SE),
- Dimitrios Kyriazis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),
- Klaus Lackhoff (European Central Bank (ECB)),
- John Linaritis (National Bank of Greece),
- Christina Livada (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens),
- Marije Louisse-Read (De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.),
- Eugenia Macchiavello (University of Genoa),
- Ugo Malvagna (University of Trento),
- Nikos Maragopoulos (Panteion University of Athens),
- Edoardo Martino (University of Amsterdam (UvA),
- Felix Mezzanotte (Trinity College Dublin),
- Andrea Minto (University of Venice / University of Southern Denmark),
- Katarzyna Parchimowicz (University of Wroclaw),
- Promitheas Peridis (European University Institute),
- Christy Ann Petit (Dublin City University),
- Panagiotis Politsidis (Audencia Business School, Nantes),
- Patrick Raschner (University of Liechtenstein),
- Enrico Rino Restelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore),
- Federico Riganti (Università degli Studi di Torino),
- Alexander Sajnovits (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz),
- Gulia Schneider Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Jonas Schürger (University of Bonn),
- Agnieszka Smolenska (European University Institute (EUI),
- Ioan Sumandea-Simionescu (Babes-Bolyai University Law School, Romania),
- Jens van ‘t Klooster (KU Leuven),
- Anne-Marie Weber-Elżanowska (University of Warsaw),
Interested parties should provide credentials and proven track record of research in banking and financial regulation and supervision, in particular, in the field of the Banking Union.
Please contact Claudia Collins ( for the relevant application form. Formal applications will be reviewed by the Academic Board and endorsed by the Supervisory Board. EBI’s ARG is led by Prof. Dr. Bart P.M. Joosen, Prof. Dr. Christos Hadjiemmanuil and Prof. Dr. Filippo Annunziata.