Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands – EBI Europe
Prof. Dr. Danny Busch


The Institute for Financial Law

The Institute for Financial Law (IFL) is an expertise centre and scholarly “think tank” in the field of financial law, consisting of prominent legal experts in theory and practice and talented young researchers. The research, whether initiated by IFL itself or commissioned, revolves around the interaction between theory and practice. The IFL is part of the Business and Law Research Centre. The Law Faculty of the Radboud University participates in this research centre, together with a number of renowned law firms and companies.

The IFL plays a leading role in the social debate on necessary reforms in financial (supervision) law, inter alia by organizing conferences, public lectures, international working groups, reactions to public consultations about Dutch and European bills, organizing postgraduate courses in and outside of the Netherlands and publishing national and international papers, handbooks and collections of essays .

The IFL carries out research in the field of financial law in the broad sense. The IFL focus on the regulation of the behaviour of the actors on the financial markets. This regulation occurs through the intricate but intriguing concerted action of inter alia European law, administrative law, private law and criminal law.
In collaboration with top ranking practitioners the IFL offers an LL.M. in Financial Law. During the programme students are taught in a stimulating, collegiate setting with small groups. The LL.M. is highly regarded in legal practice.

The Business and Law Research Centre

The IFL is part of the Business and Law Research Centre, which conducts academic research in the field of “business and law”. In addition to the Nijmegen Law Faculty, a number of renowned, mostly international law firms and companies participate in the centre. The strength of the centre is that the academic excellence which has long been available within the Law Faculty is combined with the expertise and practical experience of law firms and companies. The centre is accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences as a centre of excellence.

Faculty of Law, Radboud University

The IFL is located in the modern Grotius building of the Faculty of Law, on the campus of the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Founded in 1923, the Faculty of Law is one of the oldest law faculties in the Netherlands. Among the alumni are prime ministers, ministers, presidents and legal members of the high court and legal members of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. The Law Faculty has a longstanding reputation for quality, in research and in teaching. The faculty combines high standards with personal education. Lecturers pay a great deal of attention to their students. In research, the faculty’s strength lies in combining academic excellence with the expertise and practical experience of law firms, companies, law courts and other institutions. Internationalisation is one of the top priorities. The Faculty is connected with 70 partner universities from all over the world.


Radboud University
Faculty of Law

Montessorilaan 10
6525 HR Nijmegen
The Netherlands

T: +31 (024) 361 62 09