EBI Regulatory Report #137
- Date June 19, 2023

EBI Report
Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures:
International, EU and Euro Area Levels
(16 June 2023)
Professor Dr. Christos V. Gortsos and Georgios Zervakis, LLM candidate
(Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
All previous entries have been put in two archives, which can be retrieved here.
Main developments during the week 12 – 16 June 2023
16 June
- ECB: Monetary policy decisions
- ECB: Decisions taken by its Governing Council in addition to decisions setting interest rates
- ECB: TARGET Annual Report 2022
- EBA: money laundering and terrorist financing risks in payments institutions are not managed effectively
- SRB: publication of liquidity in resolution data guidance
- ESMA in 2022 – Focus on financial stability and investor protection
15 June
- Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area, June 2023
- Statement of Paschal Donohoe on the 25th anniversary of the first Eurogroup meeting
- European Stability Mechanism (ESM): 2022 Annual Report
- EBA: Report on the LCR and NSFR implementation in the EU in the context of the new economic environment and TLTRO repayment
- IOSCO: march forward on its standard setting and inclusiveness priorities
- ESMA: launch of Data Strategy for the next five years
14 June
- OECD: G20 GDP Growth – First quarter of 2023
- EBA: update of list of risk indicators and analysis tools
- EBA: Opinion in response to the European Commission’s proposed amendments to the draft technical standards on crowdfunding service providers
- Capital markets union: Council agrees its negotiating mandate on the listing act
- ESMA: publication of latest edition of its newsletter
13 June
- Sustainable Finance: Commission takes further steps to boost investment for a sustainable future
- EBA and EIOPA: publication of Data Point Modelling Standard 2.0 to foster collaboration and harmonisation in the field of supervisory reporting
- EBA: final resolvability testing Guidelines
- European Court of Auditors: Special report 16/2023 ‘NGEU debt management at the Commission – An encouraging start, but further alignment with best practice needed’ 2023/C 206/07 (OJ C 206, 13.6.2023, p. 11)
12 June
- EBA: revised list of ITS validation rules
- EBA: Annual Report highlights key achievements in 2022
- EBA: update of list of other systemically important institutions