183 | Fernando Gomez-Pomar; Jaroslaw Mariusz Beldowski | Consumer Mortgage Loan Agreements in Foreign Currencies – Does One Solution Fit all? | |
182 | Christos Gortsos | 10 years of Banking Union Case-Law: How Did CJEU Judgments Shape Supervision and Resolution Practice in the Banking Union? | |
181 | David Ramos Munoz | Early Intervention, Resolution Preparation and Triggers: The Case for Reforming Crisis Management’s Twilight Zone | |
180 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Resolving Small and Mid-Sized Bank: Resolution Versus Liquidation and the Transfer Tools | |
179 | Victor de Serière | Frozen Assets: A Plethora of Questions and Uncertain Answers | |
178 | Sandra Antoniazzi | Judicial Review for European Banking Authorisation and Critical Profiles in the Italian System | |
177 | Maria Nieto; Chryssa Papathanassiou | Different Shades of Green: An Analysis of the EU Issuers' Disclosure Regulation and Its Effectiveness on Limiting 'Greenwashing' | |
176 | Wolf-Georg Ringe | Eurozone resilience and the promise of market integration | |
175 | Danny Busch | The knock-on effect of financial supervision law in civil liability law | |
174 | Ioannis Asimakopoulos, Tobias H. Troeger | Reform of the CMDI Framework – Driving Off With the Breaks On | |
173 | Edgar Loew, Thi Thu Thao Nguyen | The Impact of Non-Audit Services on Auditor Independence in European Banks | |
172 | Nik de Boer, Seraina N. Grunewald, Jens van 't Klooster | The law and politics of independent policy coordination: fiscal and sustainability considerations in the European Central Bank’s monetary policy | |
171 | Matthias Lehmann, Fabian Schinerl | The Concept of Financial Instruments: Drawing the Borderline between MiFID and MiCAR | |
170 | Christos Gortsos | Towards a central bank digital currency (CBDC) for the euro area: A primer on the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation of the EU co-legislators “on the establishment of the digital euro” | |
169 | Edoardo D. Martino, Casimiro Antonio Nigro, Tom Vos | CoCos in Europe: What Is Wrong – and How to Fix It? | |
168 | Christos Hadjiemmanuil | Bank Failure Management in Greece: Legal Framework and Role of the Bank of Greece | |
167 | Juana Pulgar Ezquerra | The frictions between Bank Resolution and Insolvency Law | WPS No. 167 |
166 | Arthur van den Hurk, Ingrid van der Klooster | The European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan and Other International Initiatives | WPS No. 166 |
165 | Bruno Buchetti, Ixart Miquel-Flores, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Alessio Reghezza | Greening the Economy: How Public-Guaranteed Loans Influence Firm-Level Resource Allocation | WPS No. 165 |
164 | Daniel Foa', Antonio Davola | Assessing the authorization regime under PSD2: do (different) supervisory practices prevent the achievement of a level playing field in the EU? | WPS No. 164 |
163 | Irene Mecatti | The crisis management of smaller banks: perspectives of reform | WPS No. 163 |
162 | Edgar Loew, Lindsay Endres, Yajie Xu | How ESG Performance Impacts a Company’s Profitability and Financial Performance | WPS No. 162 |
161 | Oscar Borgogno, Edoardo D. Martino | Decentralised Autonomous Organizations: Targeting the Potential Beyond the Hype | WPS No. 161 |
160 | Matthias Lehmann | MiCAR – Gold Standard or Regulatory Poison for the Crypto Industry? | WPS No. 160 |
159 | Marije Louisse, Mirik van Rijn | The Third Country Regime for Investment Firms | WPS No. 159 |
158 | Filippo Annunziata | An Overview of the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) | WPS No. 158 |
157 | Edoardo D. Martino, Andrea Perini | Rescued Banks Back to the Market? | WPS No. 157 |
156 | Arthur van den Hurk | Equivalence and Insurance | WPS No. 156 |
155 | Christos V. Gortsos | Options and Discretions under the Capital Requirements Directive IV | WPS No. 155 |
154 | Promitheas Peridis | Securitisation in the era of Blockchain: Credit funds, CLOs, Tokenisation, and the question of investor protection and financial stability | WPS No. 154 |
153 | David Ramos Muñoz | The Validity of Derivatives Contracts. Legal Doctrine as a Vehicle of Dialogues over ‘Speculation’ | WPS No. 153 |
152 | Edgar Loew, Juan Cordovez | Analysis of the Impact of ESG Performance on the Valuation and Profitability of Corporates in Comparison to Financial Institutions | WPS No. 152 |
151 | Bart Joosen | The principle of proportionality as an area of national discretion | WPS No. 151 |
150 | Urs Lendermann | The Theory of Bank Resolution: Does the Bail-in Work? | WPS No. 150 |
149 | David Ramos Muñoz, Agnieszka Smoleńska | The Governance of ESG Ratings and Benchmarks (Infomediaries) as Gatekeepers: Exit, Voice and Coercion | WPS No. 149 |
148 | Douglas W. Arner, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Jamieson M. Kirkwood | The Financialization of Crypto | WPS No. 148 |
147 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Marco Bodellini | Addressing the ‘Winner-Takes-All’ Character of Sustainability Taxonomies | WPS No. 147 |
146 | Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Felix Pflücke | The Changing Nature of ‘Regulation by Information’: Towards Real-time Regulation? | WPS No. 146 |
145 | Edoardo D. Martino | Comparative Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins Regulation. A framework for a functional comparative analysis | WPS No. 145 |
144 | Danny Busch | The Future of Equivalence in the EU Financial Sector | WPS No. 144 |
143 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Not Equivalent (Yet?): The Current EU Third Country Regime for Credit Institutions and Incoming Changes | WPS No. 143 |
142 | Christos Gortsos | A reform of the CMDI framework that supports completion of the Banking Union | WPS No. 142 |
141 | Edoardo D. Martino | Monetary Sovereignty in the Digital Era | WPS No. 141 |
140 | Alessio Azzutti, Pedro M. Batista, Wolf-Georg Ringe | Navigating the Legal Landscape of AI-Enhanced Banking Supervision: Protecting EU Fundamental Rights and Ensuring Good Administration | WPS No. 140 |
139 | Seraina N. Grunewald, Jens van't Klooster | New strategy, new accountability: The European Central Bank and the European Parliament after the strategy review | WPS No. 139 |
138 | Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, Maddalena Rabitti, Giulia Schneider | The European AI Act’s Impact on Financial Markets: From Governance to Co-Regulation | WPS No. 138 |
137 | Alexander Sajnovits | The Market Abuse Regulation and the Residual Role of National Law | WPS No. 137 |
136 | Christos Gortsos, Dimitrios Kyriazis | The Taxonomy Regulation and its Implementation | WPS No. 136 |
135 | Irene Mecatti, Tobias H. Troeger | Who Should Hold Bail-Inable Debt and How can Regulators Police Holding Restrictions Effectively? | WPS No. 135 |
134 | Evariest Callens | Third Country CCP Supervision as a Catalyst for More Centralized EU CCP Supervision? | WPS No. 134 |
133 | Seraina N. Grünewald | Macroprudential policies and climate risks | WPS No. 133 |
132 | Christos Gortsos | Evolving key risks in the banking sector, and related priorities for the SRB: the impact of the current ‘inflation crisis’ | WPS No. 132 |
131 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Prudential requirements framework and sustainability | WPS No. 131 |
130 | Alessio Azzutti, Wolf-Georg Ringe, H. Siegfried Stiehl | The Regulation of AI Trading from an AI Life Cycle Perspective | WPS No. 130 |
129 | Christos Gortsos | Future of the Economic and Monetary Union | WPS No. 129 |
128 | Filippo Annunziata | Towards an EU Charter for the Protection of End Users in Financial Markets | WPS No. 128 |
127 | Matthias Mayer, Jonas Schürger | Green Monetary Policy in the EMU and its Primary Law Limits | WPS No. 127 |
126 | Evariest Callens, Klaus Löber | The Future of Centrally Cleared OTC Derivatives Markets | WPS No. 126 |
125 | Sandra Antoniazzi | Islamic Banks and the European Banking System: Critical Profiles and Law | WPS No. 125 |
124 | Nordine Abidi, Ixart Miquel-Flores | Too Tech to Fail? | WPS No. 124 |
123 | Chusu He, David T. Llewellyn, Alistair Milne | Financial Technologies and Financial Regulation | WPS No. 123 |
122 | Michele Siri, Lukas Löffel | Group supervision and Solvency II review - Overview and critical appraisal of EIOPA’s opinion paper and European Commission Solvency II Proposals - | WPS No. 122 |
121 | Evariest Callens | Derivative Contracts in EU Law: Never Mind the Definition | WPS No. 121 |
120 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Linn Anker-Sørensen, Andreas Wehrli | DLT-Based Enhancement of Cross-Border Payment Efficiency – a Legal and Regulatory Perspective – | WPS No. 120 |
119 | David Ramos Muñoz, Antonio Cabrales, Anxo Sánchez | Central Banks and Climate Change. Fit, Opportunity and Suitability in the Law and Beyond | WPS No. 119 |
118 | David McNulty, Andrea Miglionico, Alistair Milne | Technology and the ‘New Governance’ Techniques of Financial Regulation | WPS No. 118 |
117 | Douglas W. Arner, Giuliano G. Castellano, Eriks Selga | Financial Data Governance: The Datafication of Finance, the Rise of Open Banking and the End of the Data Centralization Paradigm | WPS No. 117 |
116 | Christos Hadjiemmanuil | Bail-in in the European Banking Union: A Close Reading of Article 27 of the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation | WPS No. 116 |
115 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Failing Banks within the Banking Union at the crossroads: Taking stock and next steps | WPS No. 115 |
114 | Tobias H. Troeger, Anastasia Kotovskaia | National Interests and Supranational Resolution in the European Banking Union | WPS No. 114 |
113 | Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Kuzi Charamba, Artem Sergeev, Dirk A. Zetzsche | Governing FinTech 4.0: BigTech, Platform Finance and Sustainable Development | WPS No. 113 |
112 | Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Dirk A. Zetzsche | Open Banking, Open Data and Open Finance: Lessons from the European Union | WPS No. 112 |
111 | Linn Anker-Sørensen, Dirk A. Zetzsche | From Centralized to Decentralized Finance: The Issue of 'Fake-DeFi' | WPS No. 111 |
110 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Marco Bodellini, Roberta Consiglio | The EU Sustainable Finance Framework in Light of International Standards | WPS No. 110 |
109 | Seraina N. Grunewald and Marije Louisse | How asset management companies can help tackle the NPL crisis – A State aid perspective within the resolution framework | WPS No. 109 |
108 | Christos Gortsos | Impediments to resolvability – what is the status quo | WPS No. 108 |
107 | Matthias Lehmann, Jonas Schürger | Multilateralizing Deference – A Proposal for Reforming Global Financial Law | WPS No. 107 |
106 | Filippo Annunziata | The Remains of the Day: EU Financial Agencies, Soft Law and the Relics of Meroni | WPS No. 106 |
105 | Edgar Loew and Michelle Elodie Schröder | Disclosure Quality on Covid-19 of European Banks in Half-Year and Year-End Financial Statements 2020 | WPS No. 105 |
104 | Agnieszka Smoleńska and Jens van't Klooster | A risky bet: Should the EU choose a microprudential or a credit guidance approach to climate risk? | WPS No. 104 |
103 | Nikos Maragopoulos | Towards a European Green Bond: A Commission’s proposal to promote sustainable finance | WPS No. 103 |
102 | Deirdre Ahern | Regulatory Lag, Regulatory Friction and Regulatory Transition as FinTech Disenablers: Calibrating an EU Response to the Regulatory Sandbox Phenomenon | WPS No. 102 |
101 | Matthias Lehmann | Brexit and CCP Supervision: From Extraterritoriality to a Model of Shared Control | WPS No. 101 |
100 | Zsa Zsa Knödler | Greening Monetary Policy Measures: The Eurosystem’s obligations with regards to the transition towards a low carbon economy | WPS No. 100 |
99 | Sara Göthlin | Tranching of Debt as Legal Construction | WPS No. 99 |
98 | Matteo Arrigoni | Think Twice, It’s All Right. Lessons from the GameStop Saga | WPS No. 98 |
97 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Linn Anker-Sørensen | Regulating Sustainable Finance in the Dark | WPS No. 97 |
96 | Filippo Annunziata | “The best of all possible worlds”? The access of SMEs to trading venues: Freedom, conditioning and gold-plating | |
95 | Matthias Lehmann | National Blockchain Laws as a Threat to Capital Markets Integration | |
94 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Maria Lucia Passador | The Case for a Best Execution Principle in Cross-border Payments | |
93 | Danny Busch | The Future of EU Financial Law | |
92 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Jannik Woxholth | The DLT Sandbox under the EU Pilot Regulation | |
91 | Evgenia Chouliara, Edoardo D. Martino | Risk Retention in Securitization and Empty Creditors | |
89 | Nikos Maragopoulos | When the banking gets tough, the large get going: How capital regulation is driving consolidation | |
88 | Christos Gortsos | Considerations on the application of the NCWO principle under the SRM Regulation | |
87 | Patrick Raschner | Algorithms put to test: Control of algorithms in securities trading through mandatory market simulations? | |
86 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | The next step: Towards harmonised frameworks for the liquidation of non-systematically relevant credit institutions in the EU? A discussion of policy choices and potential impediments | |
85 | Nikos Maragopoulos | Removing the regulatory barriers to cross-border banking | |
84 | Alessio Azzutti, Wolf-Georg Ringe, H. Siegfried Stiehl | Machine Learning, Market Manipulation and Collusion on Capital Markets: Why the “Black Box” Matters | |
83 | Edgar Loew, Giulia Erichsen, Benjamin Liang, Margret Louise Postulka | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) – Disclosure of European Banks | |
82 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Central Counterparties’ Insolvency and Resolution – The New EU Regulation on CCP Recovery and Resolution | |
81 | Concetta Brescia Morra | Management of Banking Crises and State Aid in Times of Coronavirus | |
80 | Christos Gortsos | The EU Taxonomy Regulation: more important than just an element of the Capital Markets Union | |
79 | Christos Gortsos, Marialena E. Terzi | The Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129) and the recent Proposal for an EU Recovery Prospectus: elements of continuity and change with the past and the way forward | |
78 | Christos V. Gortsos | The Role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSs) within the Crisis Management Framework | |
77 | Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Filippo Annunziata, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley | The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MICA) and the EU Digital Finance Strategy | |
76 | Christian Schmies, Alexander Sajnovits | Data Reporting: Market Structures and Regulatory Framework | |
75 | Danny Busch, Han Gulyas | Regulated Markets, Alternative Trading Venues & Systematic Internalisers in Europe | |
74 | Ioannis Linaritis | Asset Protection-State Guarantee Schemes in Systemic European Non-Performing Loans Securitisations: Contractual Structure, State Aid and Bank Corporate Law Issues | |
73 | Christos Gortsos, Michele Siri, Marco Bodellini | A proposal for a temporarily amended version of precautionary recapitalisation under the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation involving the European Stability Mechanism | |
72 | Nikos Maragopoulos | The MREL framework under the Banking Reform Package | |
71 | Eugenia Macchiavello, Michele Siri | Sustainable Finance and Fintech: Can Technology Contribute to Achieving Environmental Goals? A Preliminary Assessment of ‘Green FinTech' | |
70 | Danny Busch | Sustainable Finance Disclosure in the EU Financial Sector | |
69 | Edgar Loew, Annika Patricia Michelle Riegel | Repo and Reverse Repo Activity of European Banks – Market Activity, Accounting and Disclosure | |
68 | Christos Gortsos | The response of the European Central Bank to the current pandemic crisis: monetary policy and prudential banking supervision decisions | |
67 | Filippo Annunziata, Marco Lamandini, David Ramos Munoz | Weiss and EU Union Banking Law. A Test for the Fundamental Principles of the Treaty | |
66 | Evariest Callens | Financial Instruments Entail Liabilities: Ether, Bitcoin, and Litecoin Do Not | |
65 | Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Anton Didenko | After Libra, Digital Yuan and COVID-19: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the New World of Money and Payment Systems | |
64 | Danny Busch | Is the European Union Going to Help Us Overcome the COVID-19 Crisis? | |
63 | Danny Busch | The Future of the Special Duty of Care in the Dutch Financial Sector | |
62 | Seraina Neva Gruenewald | Climate change as a systemic risk – are macroprudential authorities up to the task? | |
61 | Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, Ugo Malvagna | SREP Exercise and Resolution Planning Outcomes as Inside Information under MAR | |
60 | Deirdre Ahern | Regulators Nurturing FinTech Innovation: Global Evolution of the Regulatory Sandbox as Opportunity Based Regulation | |
59 | Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley | Decentralized Finance (DeFi) | |
58 | Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, William A. Birdthistle, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley | Financial Operating Systems | |
57 | Christos Gortsos, KaterinaLagaria | The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) as “direct” supervisors in the EU financial system | |
56 | Edgar Loew, Deborah Klein, Adrian Pavicevac | Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of European Banks – An Empirical Analysis of the Disclosure Quality and its Determinants | |
55 | Eugenia Macchiavello | 'What to Expect when You Are Expecting' a European Crowdfunding Regulation: The Current ‘Bermuda Triangle’ and Future Scenarios for Marketplace Lending and Investing in Europe | |
54 | P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Eriks Selga | Building FinTech Ecosystems: Regulatory Sandboxes, Innovation Hubs and Beyond | |
53 | Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Robin Veidt, Dirk A. Zetzsche | The Dark Side of Digital Financial Transformation: The New Risks of FinTech and the Rise of TechRisk | |
52 | Romano, Alessandro and Enriques, Luca and Macey, Jonathan R. | Extended Shareholder Liability for Systemically Important Financial Institutions | |
51 | Ioannis Asimakopoulos | Making Retail Banks Resolvable | |
50 | Ringe, Wolf-Georg and Morais, Luis Silva and Ramos Muñoz, David | A Holistic Approach to the Institutional Architecture of Financial Supervision and Regulation in the EU | |
49 | Thiemann, Matthias and Tröger, Tobias Hans | The Case for a Normatively Charged Approach to Regulating Shadow Banking | |
48 | Loew, Edgar and Schmidt, Lisa E. and Thiel, Lars F. | Accounting for Financial Instruments under IFRS 9 – First-Time Application Effects on European Banks’ Balance Sheets | |
47 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Transnational Fiduciary Law in Financial Intermediation: Are We There Yet? A Case Study in the Emergence of Transnational Legal Ordering | |
46 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Close Cooperation within the SRM: Centralised Decision-Making, Decentralised Implementation – Shared Responsibilities | |
45 | Matthias Lehmann | Global Rules for a Global Market Place? – The Regulation and Supervision of FinTech Providers | |
44 | Zetzsche, Dirk Andreas and Buckley, Ross P. and Arner, Douglas W. | Regulating LIBRA: The Transformative Potential of Facebook’s Cryptocurrency and Possible Regulatory Responses | |
43 | Enriques, Luca and Romano, Alessandro and Wetzer, Thom | Network-Sensitive Financial Regulation | |
42 | Matthias Lehmann | Who Owns Bitcoin? Private Law Facing the Blockchain | |
41 | Buckley, Ross P. and Arner, Douglas W. and Zetzsche, Dirk Andreas | Sustainability, FinTech and Financial Inclusion | |
40 | Loew, Edgar and Mollenhauer, Tim | An Empirical Analysis of Key Audit Matters in the Financial Industry | |
39 | Klaus, Juergen and Selga, Eriks and Klein, Tony | Shaking the Capital Markets Tree: Euro Area Capital Market Sensitivity to Stakeholder Activities During the Negative Interest Rate Regime | |
38 | Evariest Callens | Recalibrating the Debate on MIFID’S Private Enforceability: Why the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is the Elephant in the Room | |
37 | Christos Gortsos | The Role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSS) in Resolution Financing | |
36 | Eddy Wymeersch | Financial Regulation: Its Objectives and Their Implementation in the European Union | |
35 | Zetzsche, Dirk Andreas and Arner, Douglas W. and Buckley, Ross P. and Weber, Rolf H. | The Future of Data-Driven Finance and RegTech: Lessons from EU Big Bang II | |
34 | Danny Busch, Annick Teubner | Fit and Proper Assessments within the Single Supervisory Mechanism | |
33 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Resolution Regimes in the Financial Sector: In Need of Cross-Sectoral Regulation? | |
32 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | Bank Bail-In and Disputed Claims: Can It Cope? The Case for and against a Vis Attractiva Resolutionis | |
31 | Wolf-Georg Ringe, Jatine Patel | The Dark Side of Bank Resolution: Counterparty Risk through Bail-in | |
30 | Danny Busch, Mirik Rijn and Marije Louisse | How Single is the Single Resolution Mechanism? | |
29 | Jens-Hinrich Binder | The Relevance of the Resolution Tools Within the SRM | |
28 | Arner, Douglas W. and Zetzsche, Dirk A. and Buckley, Ross P. and Barberis, Janos Nathan | The Identity Challenge in Finance: From Analogue Identity to Digitized Identification to Digital KYC Utilities | |
27 | Gerrit Tönningsen | Trying to Square the Circle: The ECB's Janus-Faced Character Post SSM and Its Implications for Effective Banking Supervision | |
26 | Wolf-Georg Ringe and Christopher Ruof | A Regulatory Sandbox for Robo Advice | |
25 | Eddy Wymeersch | UK Post Brexit Access to the EU and its Effect on Dispute Resolution | |
24 | Deirdre Ahern | Regulatory Arbitrage in a FinTech World: Devising an Optimal EU Regulatory Response to Crowdlending | |
23 | Benjamin Geva | Banking in the Digital Age - Who is Afraid of Payment Disintermediation? | |
22 | Mathias Hanten and Osman Sacarcelik | After the Sunset: The Impact of Brexit on EU Market Access for Banks and Investment Firms | |
21 | Guido Ferrarini and Davide Trasciatti | Brexit and OTC Derivatives Clearing: The Role of Politics | |
20 | Bart Joosen, Marco Lamandini, Matthias Lehmann, Kitty Lieverse and Ignacio Tirado | Stability, Flexibility and Proportionality: Towards a Two-Tiered European Banking Law? | |
19 | Eddy Wymeersch | Brexit and the Provision of Financial Services into the EU and into the UK | |
18 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Linus Föhr | The ICO Gold Rush: It's a Scam, It's a Bubble, It's a Super Challenge for Regulators | |
17 | Marco Lamandini, Giuseppe Lusignani and David Ramos Muñoz | Does Europe Have What it Takes to Finish the Banking Union? Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and Their Hard Choices, Non-Choices and Evolving Choices | |
16 | Tobias H. Troeger | Remarks on the German Regulation of Crowdfunding | |
15 | Eddy Wymeersch | Brexit and the Equivalence of Regulation and Supervision | |
14 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. Arner | The Distributed Liability of Distributed Ledgers: Legal Risks of Blockchain | |
13 | Tobias H. Troeger | Why MREL Won't Help Much | |
12 | Tobias H. Troeger | Too Complex to Work: A Critical Assessment of the Bail-In Tool Under the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Regime | |
11 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Janos Nathan Barberis | Regulating a Revolution: From Regulatory Sandboxes to Smart Regulation | |
10 | Manthos D. Delis, Panagiotis Staikouras and Chris Tsoumas | Supervisory Enforcement Actions and Depositors’ Reaction: Monitoring, Running, or Living a Quiet Life? | |
9 | Danny Busch | Governance of the European Banking Union's Single Resolution Mechanism | |
8 | Dirk A. Zetzsche and Christina Preiner | Cross-Border Crowdfunding – Towards a Single Crowdfunding Market for Europe | |
7 | André Prüm | Brexit: Options for Banks from the UK to Access the EU Market | |
6 | Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Janos Nathan Barberis | From FinTech to TechFin: The Regulatory Challenges of Data-Driven Finance | |
5 | Edgar Loew and Sebastian Mauler | The IASB's Discussion Paper on Accounting for Dynamic Risk Management - Evaluation of Comment Letters | |
4 | José Engrácia Antunes | The Management of the Bank Crisis in Portugal - Law and Practice | |
3 | Matthias Lehmann | Single Supervisory Mechanism Without Regulatory Harmonisation? Introducing a European Banking Act and a 'CRR Light' for Smaller Institutions | |
2 | Christos Hadjiemmanuil | Limits on State-Funded Bailouts in the EU Bank Resolution Regime | |
1 | Eddy Wymeersch | Shadow Banking and Systemic Risk | |