183Fernando Gomez-Pomar; Jaroslaw Mariusz BeldowskiConsumer Mortgage Loan Agreements in Foreign Currencies – Does One Solution Fit all?
182Christos Gortsos10 years of Banking Union Case-Law: How Did CJEU Judgments Shape Supervision and Resolution Practice in the Banking Union?
181David Ramos MunozEarly Intervention, Resolution Preparation and Triggers: The Case for Reforming Crisis Management’s Twilight Zone
180Jens-Hinrich BinderResolving Small and Mid-Sized Bank: Resolution Versus Liquidation and the Transfer Tools
179Victor de SerièreFrozen Assets: A Plethora of Questions and Uncertain Answers
178Sandra AntoniazziJudicial Review for European Banking Authorisation and Critical Profiles in the Italian System
177Maria Nieto; Chryssa PapathanassiouDifferent Shades of Green: An Analysis of the EU Issuers' Disclosure Regulation and Its Effectiveness on Limiting 'Greenwashing'
176Wolf-Georg RingeEurozone resilience and the promise of market integration
175Danny BuschThe knock-on effect of financial supervision law in civil liability law
174Ioannis Asimakopoulos, Tobias H. TroegerReform of the CMDI Framework – Driving Off With the Breaks On
173Edgar Loew, Thi Thu Thao NguyenThe Impact of Non-Audit Services on Auditor Independence in European Banks
172Nik de Boer, Seraina N. Grunewald, Jens van 't KloosterThe law and politics of independent policy coordination: fiscal and sustainability considerations in the European Central Bank’s monetary policy
171Matthias Lehmann, Fabian SchinerlThe Concept of Financial Instruments: Drawing the Borderline between MiFID and MiCAR
170Christos GortsosTowards a central bank digital currency (CBDC) for the euro area: A primer on the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation of the EU co-legislators “on the establishment of the digital euro”
169Edoardo D. Martino, Casimiro Antonio Nigro, Tom VosCoCos in Europe: What Is Wrong – and How to Fix It?
168Christos HadjiemmanuilBank Failure Management in Greece: Legal Framework and Role of the Bank of Greece
167Juana Pulgar EzquerraThe frictions between Bank Resolution and Insolvency LawWPS No. 167
166Arthur van den Hurk, Ingrid van der KloosterThe European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan and Other International InitiativesWPS No. 166
165Bruno Buchetti, Ixart Miquel-Flores, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Alessio ReghezzaGreening the Economy: How Public-Guaranteed Loans Influence Firm-Level Resource AllocationWPS No. 165
164Daniel Foa', Antonio DavolaAssessing the authorization regime under PSD2: do (different) supervisory practices prevent the achievement of a level playing field in the EU?WPS No. 164
163Irene MecattiThe crisis management of smaller banks: perspectives of reformWPS No. 163
162Edgar Loew, Lindsay Endres, Yajie XuHow ESG Performance Impacts a Company’s Profitability and Financial PerformanceWPS No. 162
161Oscar Borgogno, Edoardo D. MartinoDecentralised Autonomous Organizations: Targeting the Potential Beyond the HypeWPS No. 161
160Matthias LehmannMiCAR – Gold Standard or Regulatory Poison for the Crypto Industry?WPS No. 160
159Marije Louisse, Mirik van RijnThe Third Country Regime for Investment FirmsWPS No. 159
158Filippo AnnunziataAn Overview of the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR)WPS No. 158
157Edoardo D. Martino, Andrea PeriniRescued Banks Back to the Market?WPS No. 157
156Arthur van den HurkEquivalence and InsuranceWPS No. 156
155Christos V. GortsosOptions and Discretions under the Capital Requirements Directive IVWPS No. 155
154Promitheas PeridisSecuritisation in the era of Blockchain: Credit funds, CLOs, Tokenisation, and the question of investor protection and financial stabilityWPS No. 154
153David Ramos MuñozThe Validity of Derivatives Contracts. Legal Doctrine as a Vehicle of Dialogues over ‘Speculation’WPS No. 153
152Edgar Loew, Juan CordovezAnalysis of the Impact of ESG Performance on the Valuation and Profitability of Corporates in Comparison to Financial InstitutionsWPS No. 152
151Bart JoosenThe principle of proportionality as an area of national discretionWPS No. 151
150Urs LendermannThe Theory of Bank Resolution: Does the Bail-in Work?WPS No. 150
149David Ramos Muñoz, Agnieszka SmoleńskaThe Governance of ESG Ratings and Benchmarks (Infomediaries) as Gatekeepers: Exit, Voice and CoercionWPS No. 149
148Douglas W. Arner, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Jamieson M. KirkwoodThe Financialization of CryptoWPS No. 148
147Dirk A. Zetzsche, Marco BodelliniAddressing the ‘Winner-Takes-All’ Character of Sustainability TaxonomiesWPS No. 147
146Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Felix PflückeThe Changing Nature of ‘Regulation by Information’: Towards Real-time Regulation?WPS No. 146
145Edoardo D. MartinoComparative Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins Regulation. A framework for a functional comparative analysisWPS No. 145
144Danny BuschThe Future of Equivalence in the EU Financial SectorWPS No. 144
143Jens-Hinrich BinderNot Equivalent (Yet?): The Current EU Third Country Regime for Credit Institutions and Incoming ChangesWPS No. 143
142Christos GortsosA reform of the CMDI framework that supports completion of the Banking UnionWPS No. 142
141Edoardo D. MartinoMonetary Sovereignty in the Digital EraWPS No. 141
140Alessio Azzutti, Pedro M. Batista, Wolf-Georg RingeNavigating the Legal Landscape of AI-Enhanced Banking Supervision: Protecting EU Fundamental Rights and Ensuring Good AdministrationWPS No. 140
139Seraina N. Grunewald, Jens van't KloosterNew strategy, new accountability: The European Central Bank and the European Parliament after the strategy reviewWPS No. 139
138Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, Maddalena Rabitti, Giulia SchneiderThe European AI Act’s Impact on Financial Markets: From Governance to Co-RegulationWPS No. 138
137Alexander SajnovitsThe Market Abuse Regulation and the Residual Role of National LawWPS No. 137
136Christos Gortsos, Dimitrios KyriazisThe Taxonomy Regulation and its ImplementationWPS No. 136
135Irene Mecatti, Tobias H. TroegerWho Should Hold Bail-Inable Debt and How can Regulators Police Holding Restrictions Effectively?WPS No. 135
134Evariest CallensThird Country CCP Supervision as a Catalyst for More Centralized EU CCP Supervision?WPS No. 134
133Seraina N. GrünewaldMacroprudential policies and climate risksWPS No. 133
132Christos GortsosEvolving key risks in the banking sector, and related priorities for the SRB: the impact of the current ‘inflation crisis’WPS No. 132
131Jens-Hinrich BinderPrudential requirements framework and sustainabilityWPS No. 131
130Alessio Azzutti, Wolf-Georg Ringe, H. Siegfried StiehlThe Regulation of AI Trading from an AI Life Cycle PerspectiveWPS No. 130
129Christos GortsosFuture of the Economic and Monetary UnionWPS No. 129
128Filippo AnnunziataTowards an EU Charter for the Protection of End Users in Financial MarketsWPS No. 128
127Matthias Mayer, Jonas SchürgerGreen Monetary Policy in the EMU and its Primary Law LimitsWPS No. 127
126Evariest Callens, Klaus LöberThe Future of Centrally Cleared OTC Derivatives MarketsWPS No. 126
125Sandra AntoniazziIslamic Banks and the European Banking System: Critical Profiles and LawWPS No. 125
124Nordine Abidi, Ixart Miquel-FloresToo Tech to Fail?WPS No. 124
123Chusu He, David T. Llewellyn, Alistair MilneFinancial Technologies and Financial RegulationWPS No. 123
122Michele Siri, Lukas LöffelGroup supervision and Solvency II review - Overview and critical appraisal of EIOPA’s opinion paper and European Commission Solvency II Proposals -WPS No. 122
121Evariest CallensDerivative Contracts in EU Law: Never Mind the DefinitionWPS No. 121
120Dirk A. Zetzsche, Linn Anker-Sørensen, Andreas WehrliDLT-Based Enhancement of Cross-Border Payment Efficiency – a Legal and Regulatory Perspective –WPS No. 120
119David Ramos Muñoz, Antonio Cabrales, Anxo SánchezCentral Banks and Climate Change. Fit, Opportunity and Suitability in the Law and BeyondWPS No. 119
118David McNulty, Andrea Miglionico, Alistair MilneTechnology and the ‘New Governance’ Techniques of Financial RegulationWPS No. 118
117Douglas W. Arner, Giuliano G. Castellano, Eriks SelgaFinancial Data Governance: The Datafication of Finance, the Rise of Open Banking and the End of the Data Centralization ParadigmWPS No. 117
116Christos HadjiemmanuilBail-in in the European Banking Union: A Close Reading of Article 27 of the Single Resolution Mechanism RegulationWPS No. 116
115Jens-Hinrich BinderFailing Banks within the Banking Union at the crossroads: Taking stock and next stepsWPS No. 115
114Tobias H. Troeger, Anastasia KotovskaiaNational Interests and Supranational Resolution in the European Banking UnionWPS No. 114
113Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Kuzi Charamba, Artem Sergeev, Dirk A. ZetzscheGoverning FinTech 4.0: BigTech, Platform Finance and Sustainable DevelopmentWPS No. 113
112Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Dirk A. ZetzscheOpen Banking, Open Data and Open Finance: Lessons from the European UnionWPS No. 112
111Linn Anker-Sørensen, Dirk A. ZetzscheFrom Centralized to Decentralized Finance: The Issue of 'Fake-DeFi'WPS No. 111
110Dirk A. Zetzsche, Marco Bodellini, Roberta ConsiglioThe EU Sustainable Finance Framework in Light of International StandardsWPS No. 110
109Seraina N. Grunewald and Marije LouisseHow asset management companies can help tackle the NPL crisis – A State aid perspective within the resolution frameworkWPS No. 109
108Christos GortsosImpediments to resolvability – what is the status quoWPS No. 108
107Matthias Lehmann, Jonas SchürgerMultilateralizing Deference – A Proposal for Reforming Global Financial LawWPS No. 107
106Filippo AnnunziataThe Remains of the Day: EU Financial Agencies, Soft Law and the Relics of MeroniWPS No. 106
105Edgar Loew and Michelle Elodie SchröderDisclosure Quality on Covid-19 of European Banks in Half-Year and Year-End Financial Statements 2020WPS No. 105
104Agnieszka Smoleńska and Jens van't KloosterA risky bet: Should the EU choose a microprudential or a credit guidance approach to climate risk?WPS No. 104
103Nikos MaragopoulosTowards a European Green Bond: A Commission’s proposal to promote sustainable financeWPS No. 103
102Deirdre AhernRegulatory Lag, Regulatory Friction and Regulatory Transition as FinTech Disenablers: Calibrating an EU Response to the Regulatory Sandbox PhenomenonWPS No. 102
101Matthias LehmannBrexit and CCP Supervision: From Extraterritoriality to a Model of Shared ControlWPS No. 101
100Zsa Zsa KnödlerGreening Monetary Policy Measures: The Eurosystem’s obligations with regards to the transition towards a low carbon economyWPS No. 100
99Sara GöthlinTranching of Debt as Legal ConstructionWPS No. 99
98Matteo ArrigoniThink Twice, It’s All Right. Lessons from the GameStop SagaWPS No. 98
97Dirk A. Zetzsche, Linn Anker-SørensenRegulating Sustainable Finance in the DarkWPS No. 97
96Filippo Annunziata“The best of all possible worlds”? The access of SMEs to trading venues: Freedom, conditioning and gold-plating
95Matthias LehmannNational Blockchain Laws as a Threat to Capital Markets Integration
94Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Maria Lucia PassadorThe Case for a Best Execution Principle in Cross-border Payments
93Danny BuschThe Future of EU Financial Law
92Dirk A. Zetzsche, Jannik WoxholthThe DLT Sandbox under the EU Pilot Regulation
91Evgenia Chouliara, Edoardo D. MartinoRisk Retention in Securitization and Empty Creditors
89Nikos MaragopoulosWhen the banking gets tough, the large get going: How capital regulation is driving consolidation
88Christos GortsosConsiderations on the application of the NCWO principle under the SRM Regulation
87Patrick RaschnerAlgorithms put to test: Control of algorithms in securities trading through mandatory market simulations?
86Jens-Hinrich BinderThe next step: Towards harmonised frameworks for the liquidation of non-systematically relevant credit institutions in the EU? A discussion of policy choices and potential impediments
85Nikos MaragopoulosRemoving the regulatory barriers to cross-border banking
84Alessio Azzutti, Wolf-Georg Ringe, H. Siegfried StiehlMachine Learning, Market Manipulation and Collusion on Capital Markets: Why the “Black Box” Matters
83Edgar Loew, Giulia Erichsen, Benjamin Liang, Margret Louise PostulkaCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) – Disclosure of European Banks
82Jens-Hinrich BinderCentral Counterparties’ Insolvency and Resolution – The New EU Regulation on CCP Recovery and Resolution
81Concetta Brescia MorraManagement of Banking Crises and State Aid in Times of Coronavirus
80Christos GortsosThe EU Taxonomy Regulation: more important than just an element of the Capital Markets Union
79Christos Gortsos, Marialena E. TerziThe Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129) and the recent Proposal for an EU Recovery Prospectus: elements of continuity and change with the past and the way forward
78Christos V. Gortsos The Role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSs) within the Crisis Management Framework
77Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Filippo Annunziata, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. BuckleyThe Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MICA) and the EU Digital Finance Strategy
76Christian Schmies, Alexander SajnovitsData Reporting: Market Structures and Regulatory Framework
75Danny Busch, Han GulyasRegulated Markets, Alternative Trading Venues & Systematic Internalisers in Europe
74Ioannis LinaritisAsset Protection-State Guarantee Schemes in Systemic European Non-Performing Loans Securitisations: Contractual Structure, State Aid and Bank Corporate Law Issues
73Christos Gortsos, Michele Siri, Marco BodelliniA proposal for a temporarily amended version of precautionary recapitalisation under the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation involving the European Stability Mechanism
72Nikos MaragopoulosThe MREL framework under the Banking Reform Package
71Eugenia Macchiavello, Michele SiriSustainable Finance and Fintech: Can Technology Contribute to Achieving Environmental Goals? A Preliminary Assessment of ‘Green FinTech'
70Danny BuschSustainable Finance Disclosure in the EU Financial Sector
69Edgar Loew, Annika Patricia Michelle RiegelRepo and Reverse Repo Activity of European Banks – Market Activity, Accounting and Disclosure
68Christos GortsosThe response of the European Central Bank to the current pandemic crisis: monetary policy and prudential banking supervision decisions
67Filippo Annunziata, Marco Lamandini, David Ramos MunozWeiss and EU Union Banking Law. A Test for the Fundamental Principles of the Treaty
66Evariest CallensFinancial Instruments Entail Liabilities: Ether, Bitcoin, and Litecoin Do Not
65Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Anton DidenkoAfter Libra, Digital Yuan and COVID-19: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the New World of Money and Payment Systems
64Danny BuschIs the European Union Going to Help Us Overcome the COVID-19 Crisis?
63Danny BuschThe Future of the Special Duty of Care in the Dutch Financial Sector
62Seraina Neva GruenewaldClimate change as a systemic risk – are macroprudential authorities up to the task?
61Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, Ugo MalvagnaSREP Exercise and Resolution Planning Outcomes as Inside Information under MAR
60Deirdre AhernRegulators Nurturing FinTech Innovation: Global Evolution of the Regulatory Sandbox as Opportunity Based Regulation
59Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. BuckleyDecentralized Finance (DeFi)
58Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, William A. Birdthistle, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. BuckleyFinancial Operating Systems
57Christos Gortsos, KaterinaLagariaThe European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) as “direct” supervisors in the EU financial system
56Edgar Loew, Deborah Klein, Adrian Pavicevac Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of European Banks – An Empirical Analysis of the Disclosure Quality and its Determinants
55Eugenia Macchiavello'What to Expect when You Are Expecting' a European Crowdfunding Regulation: The Current ‘Bermuda Triangle’ and Future Scenarios for Marketplace Lending and Investing in Europe
54P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Dirk A. Zetzsche, Eriks SelgaBuilding FinTech Ecosystems: Regulatory Sandboxes, Innovation Hubs and Beyond
53Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Robin Veidt, Dirk A. ZetzscheThe Dark Side of Digital Financial Transformation: The New Risks of FinTech and the Rise of TechRisk
52Romano, Alessandro and Enriques, Luca and Macey, Jonathan R.Extended Shareholder Liability for Systemically Important Financial Institutions
51Ioannis AsimakopoulosMaking Retail Banks Resolvable
50Ringe, Wolf-Georg and Morais, Luis Silva and Ramos Muñoz, DavidA Holistic Approach to the Institutional Architecture of Financial Supervision and Regulation in the EU
49Thiemann, Matthias and Tröger, Tobias HansThe Case for a Normatively Charged Approach to Regulating Shadow Banking
48Loew, Edgar and Schmidt, Lisa E. and Thiel, Lars F.Accounting for Financial Instruments under IFRS 9 – First-Time Application Effects on European Banks’ Balance Sheets
47Jens-Hinrich BinderTransnational Fiduciary Law in Financial Intermediation: Are We There Yet? A Case Study in the Emergence of Transnational Legal Ordering
46Jens-Hinrich BinderClose Cooperation within the SRM: Centralised Decision-Making, Decentralised Implementation – Shared Responsibilities
45Matthias LehmannGlobal Rules for a Global Market Place? – The Regulation and Supervision of FinTech Providers
44Zetzsche, Dirk Andreas and Buckley, Ross P. and Arner, Douglas W.Regulating LIBRA: The Transformative Potential of Facebook’s Cryptocurrency and Possible Regulatory Responses
43Enriques, Luca and Romano, Alessandro and Wetzer, ThomNetwork-Sensitive Financial Regulation
42Matthias LehmannWho Owns Bitcoin? Private Law Facing the Blockchain
41Buckley, Ross P. and Arner, Douglas W. and Zetzsche, Dirk AndreasSustainability, FinTech and Financial Inclusion
40Loew, Edgar and Mollenhauer, TimAn Empirical Analysis of Key Audit Matters in the Financial Industry
39Klaus, Juergen and Selga, Eriks and Klein, TonyShaking the Capital Markets Tree: Euro Area Capital Market Sensitivity to Stakeholder Activities During the Negative Interest Rate Regime
38Evariest CallensRecalibrating the Debate on MIFID’S Private Enforceability: Why the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is the Elephant in the Room
37Christos GortsosThe Role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSS) in Resolution Financing
36Eddy WymeerschFinancial Regulation: Its Objectives and Their Implementation in the European Union
35Zetzsche, Dirk Andreas and Arner, Douglas W. and Buckley, Ross P. and Weber, Rolf H.The Future of Data-Driven Finance and RegTech: Lessons from EU Big Bang II
34Danny Busch, Annick TeubnerFit and Proper Assessments within the Single Supervisory Mechanism
33Jens-Hinrich BinderResolution Regimes in the Financial Sector: In Need of Cross-Sectoral Regulation?
32Jens-Hinrich BinderBank Bail-In and Disputed Claims: Can It Cope? The Case for and against a Vis Attractiva Resolutionis
31Wolf-Georg Ringe, Jatine PatelThe Dark Side of Bank Resolution: Counterparty Risk through Bail-in
30Danny Busch, Mirik Rijn and Marije LouisseHow Single is the Single Resolution Mechanism?
29Jens-Hinrich BinderThe Relevance of the Resolution Tools Within the SRM
28Arner, Douglas W. and Zetzsche, Dirk A. and Buckley, Ross P. and Barberis, Janos NathanThe Identity Challenge in Finance: From Analogue Identity to Digitized Identification to Digital KYC Utilities
27Gerrit TönningsenTrying to Square the Circle: The ECB's Janus-Faced Character Post SSM and Its Implications for Effective Banking Supervision
26Wolf-Georg Ringe and Christopher RuofA Regulatory Sandbox for Robo Advice
25Eddy WymeerschUK Post Brexit Access to the EU and its Effect on Dispute Resolution
24Deirdre AhernRegulatory Arbitrage in a FinTech World: Devising an Optimal EU Regulatory Response to Crowdlending
23Benjamin GevaBanking in the Digital Age - Who is Afraid of Payment Disintermediation?
22Mathias Hanten and Osman SacarcelikAfter the Sunset: The Impact of Brexit on EU Market Access for Banks and Investment Firms
21Guido Ferrarini and Davide TrasciattiBrexit and OTC Derivatives Clearing: The Role of Politics
20Bart Joosen, Marco Lamandini, Matthias Lehmann, Kitty Lieverse and Ignacio TiradoStability, Flexibility and Proportionality: Towards a Two-Tiered European Banking Law?
19Eddy WymeerschBrexit and the Provision of Financial Services into the EU and into the UK
18Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Linus FöhrThe ICO Gold Rush: It's a Scam, It's a Bubble, It's a Super Challenge for Regulators
17Marco Lamandini, Giuseppe Lusignani and David Ramos MuñozDoes Europe Have What it Takes to Finish the Banking Union? Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and Their Hard Choices, Non-Choices and Evolving Choices
16Tobias H. TroegerRemarks on the German Regulation of Crowdfunding
15Eddy WymeerschBrexit and the Equivalence of Regulation and Supervision
14Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. ArnerThe Distributed Liability of Distributed Ledgers: Legal Risks of Blockchain
13Tobias H. TroegerWhy MREL Won't Help Much
12Tobias H. TroegerToo Complex to Work: A Critical Assessment of the Bail-In Tool Under the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Regime
11Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Janos Nathan Barberis Regulating a Revolution: From Regulatory Sandboxes to Smart Regulation
10Manthos D. Delis, Panagiotis Staikouras and Chris TsoumasSupervisory Enforcement Actions and Depositors’ Reaction: Monitoring, Running, or Living a Quiet Life?
9Danny Busch Governance of the European Banking Union's Single Resolution Mechanism
8Dirk A. Zetzsche and Christina Preiner Cross-Border Crowdfunding – Towards a Single Crowdfunding Market for Europe
7André PrümBrexit: Options for Banks from the UK to Access the EU Market
6Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner and Janos Nathan Barberis From FinTech to TechFin: The Regulatory Challenges of Data-Driven Finance
5Edgar Loew and Sebastian Mauler The IASB's Discussion Paper on Accounting for Dynamic Risk Management - Evaluation of Comment Letters
4José Engrácia Antunes The Management of the Bank Crisis in Portugal - Law and Practice
3Matthias LehmannSingle Supervisory Mechanism Without Regulatory Harmonisation? Introducing a European Banking Act and a 'CRR Light' for Smaller Institutions
2Christos HadjiemmanuilLimits on State-Funded Bailouts in the EU Bank Resolution Regime
1Eddy WymeerschShadow Banking and Systemic Risk