EBI Regulatory Report #164

Business graphs and charts on table. Financial development, Banking Account, Statistics

EBI Report
Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures:
International, EU and Euro Area Levels
(11 February 2024)

Professor Dr. Christos V. Gortsos and Daphne Farmaki
(Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

All previous entries have been put in 3 archives, which can be retrieved here.

Main developments during the period 5 – 9 February 2024:

9 February

  • ESM: introduction of euro commercial paper programme

8 February

  • ECB Decision (EU) 2024/461 of 29 January 2024 on the reporting by national competent authorities to the ECB of information on remuneration, gender pay gap, approved higher ratios and high earners for the purposes of benchmarking (ECB/2024/2) (OJ L, 2024/461, 08.02.2024)
  • ECB: publication of consolidated banking data for end-September 2023

7 February

  • Council and Parliament: agreement to delay sustainability reporting for certain sectors and third-country companies by two years
  • Single Resolution Board (SRB): publication of the list of consultations and requests to the industry for the first time
  • Council and Parliament – Capital Markets Union: agreement on improvements to EU clearing services
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/450 of 26 October 2023 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/23 of the co-legislators with regard to RTSs specifying the minimum elements to be included in a business reorganisation plan and the criteria to be fulfilled for its approval by the resolution authority (OJ L, 2024/450, 07.02.2024)

6 February

  • FSB MENA Group: discussion on implementation of the global framework for crypto-asset activities and lessons from 2023 banking turmoil
  • ESA’s Joint Board of Appeal: confirmation of ESMA’s decision to withdraw the recognition of Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation
  • EBA: technical package for its 3.4 reporting framework
  • IOSCO: Monitoring Group Pleased to Report Strong Progress Implementing Recommendations to Strengthen the International Audit, Assurance, Ethics, and Independence Standard-Setting System
  • ESMA: Requirements when posting investments recommendations on social media

5 February

  • ESM: introduction of euro commercial paper programme
  • OECD: Growth continuing at a modest pace through 2025, inflation declining to central bank targets
  • Council and Parliament: agreement on environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings