Call for Papers – EBI Young Researchers Annual Workshop on Banking and Financial Regulation
22 and 23 February 2019
Goethe University, Campus Westend, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
We are pleased to launch a call for papers for the first EBI Young Researchers Annual Workshop on banking and financial regulation, which will be hosted on 22 and 23 February 2019 in Frankfurt.
We invite PhD researchers and other early-career researchers in law, economics and related disciplines to submit paper proposals pertaining to EU banking or financial regulation. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to present their research to a panel of experts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, Capital Markets Union, Banking Union, Governance of Financial Institutions, Monetary Policy, Prudential Regulation, Judicial Review, Shadow Banking, FinTech, Cross-border issues (e.g. related to Brexit).
The Workshop is sponsored by the European Banking Institute (EBI), which will host its fourth Global Annual Conference on Banking Regulation on 21 and 22 February 2019 in Frankfurt. The EBI Young Researchers Workshop will benefit from the participation of senior scholars and experienced practitioners attending the EBI Global Annual Conference. Both EBI professors and conference participants will act as discussants to the papers selected for presentation in the Workshop.
Authors can submit paper abstracts to and The deadline for submission is 18:00 hrs. (CET), 9 January 2019. The abstracts shall be between 250 and 500 words long and include contact information, a clearly defined topic, research question, methodology and hypothesis. Please, indicate also up to 5 keywords and JEL Classification, if relevant. Accepted papers will be announced by 18 January 2019 and a full draft paper (between 10,000 and 20,000 words) will be due by 18:00 hrs. (CET), 8 February 2019.
Accepted contributions will participate in the selection of the “EBI YRG Annual Best Paper Award”. The best paper will be included, after the applicable revision procedure, in the EBI Working Paper Series on SSRN.
The Young Researchers Group (YRG) of the EBI is an inter-disciplinary and international platform for exchange and mutual learning for early stage researchers in the rapidly developing area of banking and financial law and policy. Under the wings of the EBI, the YRG conducts research and promotes dialogue between young researchers in relation to issues pertaining to banking and financial regulation. Members of the YRG of the EBI have the opportunity to present their research during several events a year, to meet scholars, regulators and industry representatives, to discuss their research with them, to organise events and to publish research papers with the EBI.
Please feel free to forward this call for papers to interested PhD and post-doctoral researchers within your network or institution.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.
Best wishes,
Young Researchers Group – European Banking Institute
Members YRG 2018
Ioannis G. Asimakopoulos (University of Luxembourg), Nikolai Badenhoop (Humboldt University of Berlin), Maria Ana Barata (European University Institute), Evariest Callens (Ghent University), María Cecilia del Barrio Arleo (University of Trento), Daniel Detzer (University Oldenburg), Tsany Ratna Dewi (University of Luxembourg), Elena Ghibellini (University of Bologna), Petja Ivanova (Heidelberg University), Lynette G.A. Janssen (Leiden University), Roderic Kermarec (University of Oxford), Lukas Koehler (University of Munich), Edoardo Martino (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Ana Odorovic (University of Hamburg), Katarzyna Parchimowicz (University of Wroclaw), Francesca Pellegrini (University Carlos III of Madrid), Promitheas Peridis (European University Institute), Agnieszka Smoleńska (European University Institute), Ross Spence (Leiden University), Jouke T. Tegelaar (Leiden University).