EBI Regulatory Report #157

Business graphs and charts on table. Financial development, Banking Account, Statistics

EBI Report
Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures:
International, EU and Euro Area Levels
(9 December 2023)

Professor Dr. Christos V. Gortsos and Georgios Zervakis, LLM candidate
(Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

All previous entries have been put in 3 archives, which can be retrieved here.

Main developments during the week 3 – 8 December 2023:

8 December

  • Council of the EU and European Parliament: Agreement on Recast of the Regulation on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union(Financial Regulation)
  • ESAs: launch of joint consultation on second batch of policy mandates under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

7 December

  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: agreement to consult on targeted revisions to standards on cryptoasset and interest rate risk in the banking book and to take steps to address window-dressing in relation to the G-SIB framework
  • EBA: consultation on draft technical standards specifying the requirements for policies and procedures on conflicts of interest for issuers of ARTs under the MiCAR
  • ESAs: launch of second public consultation on joint Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information relevant to fit and proper assessments
  • European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB): Risk dashboard, November 2023 (Issue 46)
  • IOSCO: presence at COP28 to drive debate on sustainable finance 

6 December

  • Council of the EU and European Parliament: Agreement on “Daisy Chains”
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: The effects of climate change-related risks on banks: a literature review
  • Council of the EU: Capital markets Union: Agreement on improvements to EU clearing services
  • ESMA: potential conflicts of interest risks in changes to Collateralised Loan Obligation rating methodologies
  • ESMA: publication of update to the ESEF XBRL taxonomy 2022 files and the ESEF Conformance Suite 2023

5 December

  • ESMA: Making finance work for a sustainable future

4 December

  • Financial Stability Board (FSB): publication of toolkit for enhancing third-party risk management and oversight
  • ESAs: putting forward of amendments to sustainability disclosures for the financial sector
  • IOSCO: Supervisory Practices to Address Greenwashing
  • ESMA: Conclusion of the Euro Risk-Free Rates Working Group

3 December

  • IOSCO: Voluntary Carbon Markets