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Brexit Seminar: Legal Aspects of the Securities and Derivatives Markets
10 February 2018
Brexit Seminar: Legal Aspects of the Securities and Derivatives Markets – Brussels, 10 January 2018
View Programme: Brexit Seminar- Legal Aspects of the Securities and Derivatives Markets – Brussels, 10 January 2018
Prof. Eddy Wymeersch: Brexit and Equivalence
Prof. Matthias Lehmann: The Framework for Private Law and Jurisdiction After Brexit
Prof. Christos Hadjiemmanuil: The Private Law Framework for Financial Transactions Post-Brexit
Prof. M. Lamandini/Prof. D. Ramos Muñoz: Supervisory systems after Brexit
Prof. Peter Muelbert: Equivalence of third Country CCPS
Prof. Guido Ferrarini: Brexit and OTC Derivatives Clearing – The Role of Politics
Prof. Rosa Lastra: Judicial review of the ECB by the CJEU
Prof. Danny Busch: Relocation of financial institutions following the UK’s decision to leave the EU